BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update

BhagyaLakshmi 20 September 2024 Written Update
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BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: The episode begins with Rohan and Paro engaging in a conversation about their mothers. Rohan candidly shares that his mom has a reputation for scolding everyone and reveals a startling fact that she is actually the illegal wife of his dad. Paro, in a somewhat amused manner, remarks that their dad must feel fortunate to have two wives and two children.

She jokingly suggests that if they ever get scolded at school, they could call Rohan’s mom to scold the offenders. Rohan then brings up an important topic, telling Paro that if Lakshmi Maa wins the ongoing case, she might take Paro away from there. He encourages Paro to make a wish at his in-house temple, which he claims has a track record of fulfilling wishes. Paro agrees, and they decide to visit the temple after school.

Meanwhile, Anushka is walking sadly, reflecting on recent events. Karishma notices her distress and inquires about the tears in her eyes. Anushka explains that her Nani (grandmother) scolded her harshly and is extremely upset that they visited Lakshmi’s house. She adds that if Nani loves Lakshmi this way, she might end up staying there. Karishma suggests that they should talk to Bhabhi, believing that she could help Anushka understand how inauspicious Lakshmi is for their house.

BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: Scene 2

At school, Lakshmi bumps into Rishi, and they both apologize. Rishi mentions that he is there to drop off Rohan. Lakshmi, trying to lighten the mood, asks Rishi to collide their heads together, citing an old superstition about avoiding bad luck. Rishi chuckling admits he had completely forgotten about the superstition. They jokingly wonder if it would look odd to do it at school, but eventually, they humorously collide their heads. As they enjoy their time together, the school bell rings, and children run by, laughing. Just then, they overhear a teacher asking about the whereabouts of Rohan and Paro, noting that they were present before the break.

Read Also: Kumkum Bhagya 8 August 2024 Written Update

Ayush calls Rishi, informing him that the kids are talking about him having two wives – one who is lovely and the other who is very strict. Rishi, concerned, asks if the kids are still around, and Ayush confirms their presence.

BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: Scenes 3

In another scene, Neelam approaches Dadi, expressing that she doesn’t want to come off as rude. Dadi reassures her, predicting that Anushka must have already spoken to Karishma, who in turn, would have reached out to Neelam. Neelam, hinting at her frustrations, remarks that she knows she is more important to Dadi than Dadi’s own daughter. Dadi encourages her to keep talking, and Neelam starts to explain how Rishi’s project was stopped and how Rohan and Rishi have faced many dangers since Lakshmi came back. She describes Lakshmi as a bad omen for their family.

Ayush, meanwhile, finds the kids praying. Paro prays to God to make Lakshmi lose the case so that everyone can stay happy together. Rohan echoes his sister’s wish, asking God to ensure Lakshmi loses so they can stay united. After the prayer, the kids go off to play a game. Ayush also prays, hoping for the same outcome as Paro, emphasizing his loyalty to his brother and sister-in-law.

BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: Scene 4

Back at the mansion, Dadi confronts Neelam, arguing that despite Neelam’s accusations, she doesn’t truly understand Lakshmi. Anushka, siding with Neelam, says Lakshmi is bad luck and should stay away from their house. Neelam adds that Lakshmi’s presence is not suitable for their home, insisting she brings misfortune. Dadi counters, reminding Neelam of the times when Rishi faced significant business losses and a serious accident, all of which happened when Lakshmi was not around. Neelam, however, remains adamant, saying Lakshmi’s mere existence is a problem.

BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: Scenes 5

Later, Lakshmi arrives home and learns from Rano that Paro is missing from school. Initially, Rano suggests Paro might have gone to a neighbor’s house, but when Lakshmi checks, Paro is not there. Rano then speculates that Paro might be at the Oberoi Mansion and urges Lakshmi to go and fetch her, believing that Neelam might have taken her.

Aanchal hears Rohan and Paro playing a game and talking. Neelam reached, and Aanchal informs her that Rohan called from school. He asked Aanchal to bring them home so Paro could make a wish at their home temple. Neelam reflects on Rishi’s habit of fulfilling his wishes through the temple.

BhagyaLakshmi 8 August 2024 Written Update: Scene 6

Rishi comes home and learns from Ayush that Paro prayed for Lakshmi to lose the case so their family could stay together. Rishi praises Paro’s maturity and desire for togetherness, which is echoed by Dadi. Malishka, overhearing this, feels enraged and vows not to leave Paro. Rishi decides to call Lakshmi, who is searching for Paro. Just then, Lakshmi arrives at the mansion, and Neelam sternly asks her to stop.

In the precap, Neelam shuts the door on Lakshmi’s face. Lakshmi, not giving up, goes to the police and comes back with them to get her daughter. She firmly tells Neelam that nobody has the right to keep her away from her child.

This episode of “Bhagya Lakshmi” is a captivating mix of familial tensions, emotional confrontations, and the enduring struggle for unity amidst misunderstandings and grievances.

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