Advocate Anjali Awasthi 26 August 2024 Written Update

Advocate Anjali Awasthi 19 September 2024 Written Update
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Advocate Anjali Awasthi 26 August 2024 Written Update: The episode of Advocate Anjali Awasthi aired on 26 August 2024, kicks off with Ganesh approaching Anjali with a question. He wants to know the details of the new case she has taken on. Anjali explains that the case involves a group of spoiled brats who attempted to abduct a girl in broad daylight. She is clearly upset about the incident and is determined to bring justice.

Ganesh, always concerned about Anjali’s well-being, asks if she has taken any fee for this case. Anjali replies that the victim is a maid and doesn’t have any money to pay for legal help. Despite this, Anjali has decided to represent her because she believes in standing up for what is right, regardless of money.

Ganesh compliments Anjali for her choice and says she made the right decision. However, his tone changes when he asks about the opposing advocate. Anjali reveals that she will be facing Raghav Singh Rajput, a well-known and powerful lawyer, in court. Hearing Raghav’s name, Ganesh becomes visibly worried. He advises Anjali not to go ahead with the case against Raghav, stressing that Raghav will do anything to win. He suggests that Raghav is ruthless and has a history of doing whatever it takes to secure a victory.

Anjali, sensing Ganesh’s fear, questions why he is so worried about Raghav. She directly asks if Ganesh knows Raghav Singh Rajput personally. Ganesh hesitates for a moment, then denies knowing him and leaves the room, but his reaction has clearly left Anjali wondering.

Shortly after, Anjali receives a call from Aman, a friend and admirer. Aman praises Anjali for her courage, knowing that she has taken on a case against the formidable Raghav Singh Rajput. He implies that facing Raghav is not an easy task, and Anjali’s decision to go against him speaks volumes about her bravery. When Anjali asks if Aman knows Raghav, Aman answers vaguely, suggesting he has some knowledge but doesn’t go into details.

Aman, in his usual style, starts to flirt with Anjali. He boldly tells her that he loves her. Anjali, not interested in Aman’s romantic advances, firmly tells him that if he continues to call her with such remarks, she will not hesitate to file a case against him. Aman’s playful tone changes as he realizes Anjali is serious, and he ends the call.

Meanwhile, at the Rajput household, the women of the family are engaged in a discussion. They are planning the engagement ceremony of Aman and Kavya. The conversation revolves around whether to hold the event at their home or rent a banquet hall. Sadhika and Gaurav’s wife join in the discussion, offering their opinions. Vaibhav, another family member, suggests that a banquet hall would be more appropriate. However, Gaurav, usually quiet, interrupts the conversation. He advises the family not to get too involved in engagement plans at this moment.

The others are curious about Gaurav’s sudden change in attitude and ask him why he is so opposed to the celebration. Gaurav reminds everyone about the ongoing legal troubles involving Yuvraj Thakur, a family member. He poses a critical question, asking if the family will be willing to accept Kavya if Yuvraj ends up in jail. This statement causes a stir among the family members.

Raghav Singh Rajput, who is present during this conversation, confidently assures Gaurav that Yuvraj will not go to jail. Raghav reveals that he is handling Yuvraj’s case personally and promises that he will get Yuvraj exonerated. Gaurav, however, is not convinced. He questions Raghav’s morals, pointing out that Yuvraj has been accused of molesting a girl, which is a serious crime. Gaurav believes that Yuvraj should be punished if found guilty, and criticizes Raghav for defending him.

Raghav, not one to be easily swayed, brushes off Gaurav’s concerns. He remains steadfast in his belief that Yuvraj is innocent and vows to win the case. Gaurav, frustrated and disappointed by Raghav’s attitude, leaves the room. Mehek, another family member, attempts to calm the situation by asking how anyone can be sure that Yuvraj actually committed the crime. After making her point, she exits the conversation.

Raghav, still feeling challenged by Gaurav’s remarks, mutters to himself that he will teach Anjali Awasthi a lesson in court. His determination to win the case, regardless of the cost, is evident as the episode ends, leaving viewers eager to see how this legal battle will unfold.

End of Episode.

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