Badall Pe Paon Hai 13th September 2024 Written Update

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Badall Pe Paon Hai 13th September 2024 Written Update, Upcoming Story, Upcoming Story, Next Episode, Written Update, Upcoming Twist, Spoilers & Latest News, only on

The episode of Badall Pe Paon Hai 13th September 2024 starts with a significant moment between Baani and Nandu. Baani, who has made a profitable investment in the stock market, happily shares the earnings with Nandu. This act of generosity leaves Nandu deeply touched, and she expresses her gratitude to Baani, appreciating the gesture.

Meanwhile, at the Khanna household, preparations are underway as they gear up to interview potential candidates for the position of house help. However, not everyone in the family is thrilled about this. Bhishan and Bebe are notably irritated by the entire process. Despite this, the family remains focused on finding someone who fits their needs. During this time, Rajat steps in to assist Baani in sharing their home location with Lolly, the new house help that the family plans to hire.

Soon after, Lolly arrives at the Khanna household. Her entrance is bold, and she wastes no time in making her expectations clear. She states her salary demand, which leaves the entire family in shock. Her upfront attitude catches everyone off guard, especially when she mentions the amount. Bhishan is the first to react, immediately refusing to hire her due to her high demands. However, Shilpa, one of the family members, firmly declares that she will not be taking on any housework, pushing the family into a tricky situation.

Baani and Poonam try to reason with Shilpa, hoping to ease the tension. During this conversation, Lolly offers a slight concession and tells the family that she is willing to give them a discount on her salary. Despite this, her revised salary demand of 25,000 rupees still shocks the family. Just as the conversation is heating up, Lolly receives a phone call from her husband. During the call, she demands that her husband return his alcohol bottle, revealing a glimpse of her personal life and her strong opinions about loyalty in a husband.

Lolly continues to assert herself, asking the Khanna family whether they intend to hire her or not. The family remains divided, with some suggesting they shouldn’t proceed, while the women in the household remain determined to hire her despite the challenges.

While the Khanna household is dealing with Lolly’s demands, the scene shifts to the office, where Divya informs Nakul about an inspector’s visit. Divya, not one to let things slide, tells Nakul that she plans to inspect his cabin. Nakul, feeling cornered, refuses, but Divya remains adamant. She reminds him that although they are separated, they are not yet divorced. Her concern is for the well-being of their children, and she refuses to allow them to suffer due to any mistakes on Nakul’s part. Nakul, visibly upset, watches as Divya proceeds with her inspection.

Back at the Khanna household, Lolly begins her household duties. As she works, she stumbles upon a pair of earrings in Rajat’s shirt pocket. Not one to let things slide, Lolly hands the earrings to Baani, assuming they belong to her. However, Baani is quick to clarify that the earrings do not belong to her, raising suspicion. Lolly, never shy to voice her thoughts, makes a sly comment about a husband’s loyalty. At this moment, Rajat walks into the room, and Lolly seizes the opportunity to question him about the earrings. Rajat becomes visibly tense under her scrutiny.

Gini, realizing that the earrings belong to Lavanya, quickly steps in to save Rajat from Lolly’s accusations. She claims ownership of the earrings, preventing any further questioning from the family. Despite Lolly’s attempt to caution Baani about trusting Rajat, Baani remains steadfast and assures Lolly that she trusts her husband completely.

On the other side of the story, Lavanya is busy plotting her next move. She discusses her plans with Sanjay, preparing for the next phase of her scheme. Lavanya makes it clear that she will not allow Baani to take Rajat away from her, revealing her jealousy and determination.

Meanwhile, the Khanna family meets with an engineer to discuss building a new room in their house. The engineer informs them that the total cost will be 1,25,000 rupees, leaving everyone in shock once again. Baani tries to assure Rajat, but he reminds her about their limited savings. Bhishan and Shilpa also express their frustration over the financial strain.

Rajat, in an attempt to help his friend Shanky, tries to secure a business deal for him. Lavanya, who is still deeply involved in her manipulative plans, calls Rajat and pretends to show interest in Sanjay. Her deception works, and Rajat feels pleased, encouraging her to meet Sanjay again. He even praises Baani, attributing the improvement in their relationship to her efforts. However, Lavanya is determined to win Rajat back, and she vows to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Later, Rajat discovers Baani’s plans to build a room for Gaurav and Shilpa, which impresses him. However, Baani senses that Rajat may be upset, so she plans to surprise him before she confesses her true feelings for him.

Precap: In the precap, Rajat is shocked to see Sanjay with another girl, while Baani is heartbroken after seeing Lavanya and Rajat together just when she was planning to buy him a bike.

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Badall Pe Paon Hain 12th September 2024 Written Update

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