BhagyaLakshmi 27 August 2024 Written Update

BhgayLakshmi 19 September 2024 Written Update
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BhagyaLakshmi 27 August 2024 Written Update: The episode begins with the Chief Minister (CM) expressing concern to Lakshmi about Paro’s whereabouts. Lakshmi tells the Chief Minister that Paro is safe and explains that she is with her husband, Rishi. Sandeep Mishra, who is also present, confirms this, easing the CM’s worries. The Chief Minister expresses relief and thanks Lakshmi for protecting Paro. Lakshmi then urges the CM to follow her to safety.

Meanwhile, Paro, who is hiding nearby, overhears Ojhas conversing with the terrorists. She secretly uses her phone to record their conversation. Ojhas is heard questioning the terrorists about why he was brought into their plan to keep things under control. The terrorists explain that after they fired shots, chaos ensued as everyone started running. Paro captures these critical details on her phone, intending to use them as evidence.

Elsewhere, Rishi, who is anxiously looking for Paro, informs Dadi and Anushka that Paro is missing since the gunshot incident. Ayush and Shalu arrive, and Rishi updates them on Paro’s disappearance. Rishi instructs Ayush to head to Room 54, where Rohan is hiding in a cupboard. Ayush quickly takes Dadi and Anushka with him, hoping to find Rohan safe.

Lakshmi guides the Chief Minister to Room 25, telling him that there’s a safe way out from there. Just then, Malishka spots the CM with Lakshmi and looks puzzled. Ojhas and the terrorists pass by without noticing them. Lakshmi manages to save Malishka by locking the door, keeping the terrorists out. They check the area but find nothing suspicious and move on.

Back with Ojhas and the terrorists, Ojhas scolds them for failing to locate the CM. He worries aloud about the consequences if she manages to escape from the hotel. One of the terrorists urges him to keep his voice down. Frustrated, Ojhas suggests they should have involved real terrorists. He then decides to head to the CCTV room to monitor the situation.

Now that Malishka is safe with Lakshmi and the Chief Minister, she asks where Rohan is. Lakshmi tells her that Rohan is hiding in a closet in Room 54. The CM thanks Lakshmi for her quick thinking and support. Lakshmi humbly explains that the hotel belongs to her father-in-law, and she wants to ensure no harm comes to it, as it is their family’s first hotel.

On his way to the CCTV room, Ojhas spots Malishka and acts like he doesn’t know where the CM is. The terrorists question Ojhas, who continues to act clueless. Malishka intervenes, pretending to be on Ojhas’s side. She tells the terrorists that Ojhas would have taken matters into his own hands if he knew the CM’s location. She implies that she is aware of Ojhas’s true intentions to harm the CM.

Karishma and Aanchal go to Neelam and ask her to leave the hotel. Neelam, however, refuses to go until everyone is safe. She insists that Karishma and Aanchal leave without her, stating her priority is to ensure Paro’s safety. She reveals her deep concern for Paro, whom she has only recently found and does not want to lose again.

Paro continues gathering evidence against the terrorists. She captures photographs of them taking hostages. Rishi, still searching for Paro, comes close but misses seeing her.

Ayush and Shalu safely bring Dadi and Anushka to Room 54. They retrieve Rohan from the cupboard, and an emotional Rohan hugs them. Observing Ayush and Shalu, Anushka senses a bond between them and thinks to herself that she will deal with Shalu once they are safe.

Back with the terrorists, Ojhas pretends to the terrorists that he has no knowledge of the CM’s whereabouts. Malishka, now part of the conspiracy, asks Ojhas if he wishes to work with her. Ojhas suggests they should focus on getting rid of the CM, as that will help them gain power. He then proposes a deal to Malishka, hinting at his usefulness once he becomes the CM.

Malishka agrees to collaborate with Ojhas but demands that Lakshmi be eliminated to clear her path to Rishi. Ojhas states that their plan does not involve harming civilians but agrees to kill Lakshmi if circumstances demand it. Malishka advises him to create such circumstances. She reveals the CM’s location and the fact that Lakshmi will lead them to a safe exit that even she is unaware of. Ojhas agrees and decides to go to the safe exit. He instructs the terrorists to eliminate the CM and assures Malishka that Lakshmi will be killed while trying to help the CM escape. Malishka questions Ojhas’s loyalty, but he advises her to watch everything from the CCTV room.

The episode ends with a tense moment as Ojhas confronts the CM, Lakshmi, and others. Lakshmi points out the safe exit, a concealed wall behind the lobby corridor. Ojhas, now aware of this escape route, thanks Lakshmi sarcastically and points a gun at her. Suddenly, Rishi appears, shocking Lakshmi and leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.

Precap: Ojhas demands to know where the CM is going. Lakshmi shows the hidden exit, but Ojhas points a gun at her, prepared to shoot. Rishi arrives just in time, leading to a dramatic and suspenseful showdown.

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