Rab Se Hai Dua 12th September 2024 Written Update

Rab Se Hai Dua 20 September 2024 Written Update
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Rab Se Hai Dua 12th September 2024 Written Update, Upcoming Story, Upcoming Story, Next Episode, Written Update, Upcoming Twist, Spoilers & Latest News, only on tellyinsights.com

The episode of “Rab Se Hai Dua” on 12th September 2024 begins with a dramatic and emotional scene between Ibaadat and her husband, Subhan. Subhan, completely intoxicated, has lost his senses and begins to confuse Ibaadat with Mannat, thinking he is speaking to her instead. Under the influence of alcohol, Subhan’s behavior becomes unpredictable as he drags Ibaadat towards him, intending to get closer to her.

Ibaadat quickly realizes that Subhan is not in his right mind, but she is unable to resist the emotional and physical pull of his touch. Despite knowing he is mistaken, Ibaadat feels overwhelmed by the sensations of love and desire that surface. The romantic and intense moments between the two unfold as Subhan’s actions reflect his weakened state, driven by the passion he believes he is feeling for Mannat.

The tenderness of the moment leaves Ibaadat emotional, as she finally experiences the love she has longed for from Subhan. Both of them lie down on the bed, and Ibaadat, lost in the moment, feels as if her prayers have been answered by the Almighty. For her, this closeness is a divine blessing, and she believes her wish for Subhan’s affection has come true.

Meanwhile, back at the house, the plot takes a sharp turn as Kaynat sends Nigar to check if Subhan is with Mannat. Although Nigar feels hesitant to invade Subhan’s privacy, she has no choice but to obey Kaynat’s orders. She sneaks over to Subhan’s room and peers through the window, catching a glimpse of Subhan and Ibaadat together. However, due to her angle and the dim light, Nigar mistakenly believes that Subhan is with Mannat. She sees them lying together on the bed like newlyweds and quickly rushes back to Kaynat with the news.

Overjoyed by Nigar’s report, Kaynat believes her plan has succeeded. She assumes that Mannat has successfully captivated Subhan and drawn him away from Ibaadat. In her excitement, Kaynat rewards Nigar with five hundred rupees for delivering the news. However, little does she know that her assumption is far from the truth. As the conversation unfolds, Hamida overhears everything and silently thanks the Almighty for protecting Ibaadat and Subhan. She prays that the couple remains safe and prays for their protection from any harm.

The following morning brings a shocking realization for Subhan. He wakes up and finds Ibaadat asleep in his arms. Completely startled, Subhan is unable to recall anything from the previous night after he came home drunk. He feels confused and disoriented, unable to piece together the events that led him to be with Ibaadat. Ibaadat remains asleep, unaware of Subhan’s internal turmoil. Subhan quickly gets up and walks towards Mannat’s room, unsure of what happened during the night. He knocks on Mannat’s door loudly, waking her up.

Mannat, too, is confused as she realizes Subhan wasn’t in her room. She immediately asks him where he was the entire night. Subhan hesitantly reveals that he was sleeping in Ibaadat’s room. This revelation leaves Mannat completely shocked, as she never expected Subhan to be with Ibaadat. Subhan seems equally puzzled by the turn of events but shrugs off the incident as he prepares for the day ahead. Mannat, still trying to process the news, tells Subhan to get ready, though her mind is filled with questions.

Afterward, Subhan returns to his room, where Ibaadat is still overwhelmed by the previous night’s emotional connection. As soon as she sees him, Ibaadat rushes towards Subhan and hugs him tightly. She tells him that she cannot imagine living without him anymore, expressing her deep love for him. However, Subhan remains distant and confused, unable to understand why Ibaadat is acting so differently. He is still struggling to recall what happened the night before.

Subhan tries to shake off the confusion and heads to the bathroom to freshen up. When he comes out, Ibaadat again questions him about where he plans to go. This time, Subhan responds rudely, clearly frustrated by the situation. Ibaadat, however, is not bothered by his harsh tone, as she is too consumed by her feelings from the night before. She continues to hold on to the memory of the intimate moments she shared with Subhan, believing that the Almighty has blessed their relationship.

The episode concludes with Ibaadat reflecting on the events of the previous night, filled with hope and love, while Subhan remains distant and unaware of the emotional impact he has left on her. The future of their relationship remains uncertain as the misunderstandings and manipulation around them continue to grow.

This episode of “Rab Se Hai Dua” brings a mix of romance, confusion, and intrigue, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating what will happen next in the lives of Ibaadat, Subhan, and Mannat.

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Rab Se Hai Dua 11th September 2024 Written Update

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