Rabb Se Hai Dua 10th September 2024 Written Update

Rab Se Hai Dua 20 September 2024 Written Update
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Rabb Se Hai Dua 10th September 2024 Upcoming Story, Upcoming Story, Next Episode, Written Update, Upcoming Twist, Spoilers & Latest News, only on tellyinsights.com

In today’s episode of Rabb Se Hai Dua 10th September 2024, a major emotional upheaval takes place as Subhan opens his heart to Mannat. He confesses that he deeply loves her, expressing that his feelings for her are genuine and sincere. Mannat, overwhelmed by Subhan’s confession, feels fortunate to receive his love. However, their happiness is short-lived as Subhan, despite his feelings, holds back from fully committing to her. The reason for his hesitation is his unresolved marriage with Ibaadat.

Subhan tells Mannat that he wants to wait until his divorce with Ibaadat is finalized before they can be together. This causes confusion for Mannat, as she notices Subhan’s reluctance to proceed with the divorce. She begins to question his intentions, sensing that something is holding him back. Subhan, while struggling with his emotions, fears that divorcing Ibaadat too soon might lead to consequences that could harm Mannat.

Ibaadat, who has access to a compromising video of Mannat, could use it against her if Subhan rushes the divorce. His concern for Dua’s health also plays a role in his decision to wait. This leaves Mannat feeling restless, as she finds it difficult to be patient and wait for the divorce to take place.

Meanwhile, Dua, who has been observing Ibaadat’s strange behavior, notices her emotional turmoil. Ibaadat appears to be distant and indifferent, which raises Dua’s concerns. Worried about her friend, Dua decides to confront Ibaadat and ask her what has been bothering her. Ibaadat, feeling defeated, opens up to Dua and confesses that Subhan has been ignoring her for a long time.

She reveals that she has tried several times to talk to him and resolve their differences, but Subhan continues to avoid her. Feeling helpless, Ibaadat doesn’t know how to fix the situation. In response, Dua advises her to confront Subhan and address the issue before it worsens.

Later, Subhan, still trying to keep his relationship with Mannat a secret, asks her to leave his car. He doesn’t want anyone to see them together, fearing it might cause trouble. Mannat, on the other hand, tries to convince Subhan to be more open about their relationship. She urges him to come forward and publicly admit his love for her. But Subhan remains firm in his decision, stating that now is not the right time to reveal their relationship, and he will do so later when things settle down.

Read Also: Maati Se Bandhi Dor 9th September 2024 Written Update

In a different part of the episode, Sufi visits Kasaf to thank her for helping him recover his health. However, the interaction takes an unusual turn as both Sufi and Armaan attempt to impress Kasaf by exaggerating their business accomplishments. Sufi boasts about his imaginary business, claiming to be a successful businessman, while Armaan, feeling competitive, claims that he owns a large clothing company called “Armany.” Kasaf quickly realizes they are lying to win her favor. Amused by their attempts, she challenges both brothers to donate two lakh rupees each to her NGO as a way to back up their claims. In an unexpected twist, both Sufi and Armaan agree and pay the amount, impressing Kasaf with their generosity.

Back in Subhan’s household, Mannat visits her aunt to discuss her frustrations. She tells her aunt that Subhan’s loyalty to his wife, Ibaadat, is proving to be an obstacle in their relationship. Mannat’s aunt advises her to fight for Subhan’s love by any means necessary, stating that she doesn’t want Ibaadat to remain in Subhan’s life. The aunt’s manipulative suggestion leads Mannat to a dangerous plan.

When Subhan returns home, Ibaadat, still heartbroken over his cold behavior, attempts to discuss their recent argument. She desperately wants to fix their marriage, but Subhan continues to ignore her, dismissing her concerns entirely. In a moment of frustration, Subhan shouts at Ibaadat, causing her to feel disrespected and hurt. Unable to bear his coldness any longer, Ibaadat tells Subhan that if he cannot respect their marriage, she gives him permission to end it. Subhan is left shocked and speechless by her words.

As the episode reaches its climax, Mannat’s aunt gives her an idea to seduce Subhan by using her beauty to force him into spending a night with her. Initially, Mannat rejects the idea, but as she becomes more desperate, she agrees to her aunt’s plan. Determined to win Subhan at any cost, she decides to act on her aunt’s advice and calls Subhan’s mother “Ammi,” signaling her intent to become part of his family.

The episode ends on a tense note, with viewers eagerly waiting to see what consequences Mannat’s decision will bring to her relationship with Subhan and the unfolding drama in Ibaadat’s life.

This episode of Rabb Se Hai Dua brings intense emotional twists and turns as the characters grapple with love, loyalty, and betrayal.

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Rabb Se Hai Dua 9th September 2024 Written Update

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